Skrattade onödigt mycket åt vissa...

(Jag, just nu och veckan som varit)

Humor part 4
Har samlat på mig lite för många bilder nu.
Need to share.

More tomorrow.
Haha, Ricky Gervais...

Ny serie!
Jag har plöjt igenom hela första säsongen (tyvärr så kommer det ingen andra)
och det var länge sedan jag skrattade så gott i en sitcom.
Väldigt rolig. Ett must see :)

Rolig rolig :)
Jag vill bli som honom när jag blir stor...
Jag är inte ens så pigg i min ålder...

Humor Part 3

Humor Part 2

Det här är inte mina bilder, jag har inte gjort dom utan jag har hittat dom när jag lekt på stumble upon!
Humor Part 1

Gormathon - Skyrider
"O, du tysta ensamhet" är så underbar.
Har ni inte hört Falconer så är det verkligen SHAME ON YOU!
Charlie Sheen - Half human, half cocain.
Stumble Upon
When Beethoven passed away, he was buried in a churchyard. A couple days later, the town drunk was walking through the cemetery and heard some strange noise coming from the area where Beethoven was buried. Terrified, the drunk ran and got the priest to come and listen to it. The priest bent close to the grave and heard some faint, unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, the priest ran and got the town magistrate.
When the magistrate arrived, he bent his ear to the grave, listened for a moment, and said, "Ah, yes, that's Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, being played backwards."
He listened a while longer, and said, "There's the Eighth Symphony, and it's backwards, too. Most puzzling." So the magistrate kept listening; "There's the Seventh... the Sixth... the Fifth..."
Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the magistrate; he stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in the cemetery, "My fellow citizens, there's nothing to worry about. It's just Beethoven decomposing."
Screw your girl in the back of my cadillac
I think bad thoughts
I got no remorse no regrets
never happy endings only downsets
And if you wanna get down
I can go down as low as you wanna get
I wouldn't try to push me
It'll only leave you with regret
Don't test me!
I can rip you off and steal all your cash
suckerpunch you in the face stand back and laugh
Leave you stranded as fast as a heart-attack
All day I think bad thoughts
I can break your heart at the drop of a hat
Stab you in the back in two minutes flat
Screw your girl in the back of my Cadillac
I think bad thoughts
Take this to the streets full of shit
Flush it down the toilet like you're taking a piss
It should be good to see for a change
just a day how the other half lives
And when I take you out I'll stare you down
Make sure you're getting nervous
You won't understand
That's how it is as a knight in Satan's service
I can rip you off and steal all your cash
suckerpunch you in the face stand back and laugh
Leave you stranded as fast as a heart-attack
All day I think bad thoughts
I can break your heart at the drop of a hat
Stab you in the back in two minutes flat
Screw your girl in the back of my Cadillac
I think bad thoughts
I think bad thoughts
All day and all night long
I think bad thoughts
Don't care what you think is wrong
If you wanna judge my lifestyle
I'd love to see how you live
Feel free to cast your stones
Don't cry when you're found bleeding
In a heartbeat I'll turn you white as a sheet
Begging for mercy on your goddamn knees
It'll be hard to keep from laughing
Watching you cry will make my way
Just test me please test me
Push the button pull a lever trick or treat
I'm asking do you have the stuff
To find out if I can fuck you up
I can rip you off and steal all your cash
suckerpunch you in the face stand back and laugh
Leave you stranded as fast as a heart-attack
I think bad thoughts
All day and all night long
I think bad thoughts
Don't care what you think's wrong
I can tell you lies 'till your left in disgrace
Kick you when you're down and spit in your face
Lead you on 'till you're lost without a trace
I think bad thoughts
All day and all night long
I think bad thoughts
Don't care what you think's wrong
I can break your heart at the drop of a hat
Stab you in the back in two minutes flat
Screw your girl in the back of my Cadillac
I think bad thoughts


Mer kommer...

Såå.. Innan jag ångrar mig så ska jag publicera.
Bobby Chiu

Allt han gör är helt underbart.